Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Starting off...

To a large extent, the purpose of developing effective communication is to prevent any misunderstandings. Since infancy, we have been communicating with others and this practice will go on well into adulthood. People just can’t do without communicating with each other for there are simply too many thoughts, ideas and feelings to be shared. It is only through communication that relationships between people are built, work within a company done, messages between people passed and the list goes on and on. Therefore, acquiring the right communication skills will be essential, be it at the interpersonal, inter/intra-group or organization level.

Eventually, most of us, once completed our education studies will enter the work force one day. Moving on to an unfamiliar and competitive environment, vastly different from school, will prove to be challenging. There will be more interactions between people as work orders are passed down. However, at the same time, communication becomes complicated by the complex and often conflicting relationships that exist at work. Therefore, by developing effective communication, one will be able to tactfully avoid any unnecessary conflicts or arguments that arise. Besides, one would rather spend more time in work impressing the bosses rather than being involved in some senseless office politics, isn’t it?

To end this off, in my opinion, I think being a skilful communicator would be really important in understanding conversations better. Picking up body languages (non-verbal communication skill) will further enhance this understanding. Being sensitive to the feelings of others and giving the appropriate replies at times might just save the day for you. =)


:: Jiahao :: said...

Hi Zhenyun, I think the points you have brought out are quite relevant, especially pertaining to our existing society. Being sensitive to others and acquiring adequate communication skills is necessary when we deal with intepersonal relationships. I enjoyed your presenting style and language too. Cheers!

Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for your early post, Zhenyun. I like the fact that you show how communication is built on so many levels: "at the interpersonal, inter/intra-group or organization level."

I wonder about this statement though: "Besides, one would rather spend more time in work impressing the bosses rather than being involved in some senseless office politics, isn’t it?" Depends on the person, I suppose. Is impressing the bosses the issue, or could it be a sense of pride in what one does? In either case,, we must communicate to get that work done. Ergo....

I look forward to more posts! (Good to see that you've been a blogger for a while, too. I hope academic blogging appeals to you!)

tom said...

You know what, I have tried so hard to be sensitive to other people's feelings so much so that I sometimes become overly sensitive. I guess I got much to learn on how to strike a balance on this topic.

Clear and concise, good post!

Alvin Tay said...

I agree that knowing what to say at the right time which implies effective communication is very important. When I'm overly excited in a topic at times, I might talk too much and get carried away. Therefore, there might be a chance I could offend the other party. Well lets hope this course can help us change for the better. ^_^

Sharon said...

I cannot really "read" people and implicit "message". (Perhaps that is why I have always done poorly for literature!) Usually I am totally unaware of any unhappiness or politics unless someone points it out to me. So I guess I have to learn to be more sensitive towards nonverbal cues and actions or else I will have problems surviving in the workplace! :P

Carolyn said...

I totally agree with this statement:"one will be able to tactfully avoid any unnecessary conflicts or arguments that arise." However, it's easier said than done. There are a lot of books which teach us how to deal with people, but I think the best is to read then practise it so that it would become our custom.:)